Back to school!

On Tuesdays and Thursdays we train at the usual place and time (19:30-21:00) at St Margaret's High School.

Why should I start capoeira?

People start doing capoeira for many reasons, some just take it as a hobby and like to exercise, others take it as a meaningful part of their lives. The beauty of it is that you can do it either way. We develop ourselves and become capable of movements that we never dreamed we would be able to do one day.

It also develops stamina, balance, movement coordination, sense of rhythm, and creates a family-like community.

Even if we are tired, we leave our training filled with positive energy. Capoeira is a very close-knit community, not only here, but worldwide. We regularly go to foreign events, from Croatia to the US, we visited countless places and spread the word about Hungarian capoeira, enriched ourselves with experiences and made friends.


Our classes

In our trainings, we deal with all aspects of capoeira, from fighting to acrobatics to music. I think it is important that we train in a good mood, but hard, and that the level of our school is as good in Hungary as in Brazil or anywhere in the world.

Grupo Capoeira Brasil mainly represents "modern regional" style. Within this, we play both fast and slow, technically and acrobatically, easily andharder.

In capoeira, we call fighting a "game" and this is not because it is not dangerous, but because the goal is not to defeat each other, but to play a good game together, but of course it doesn't hurt if I'm the best.

Class for beginners

You don't need any prior training to start training. You don't have to be able to do a split or a bridge, you don't even have to know how to do a cartwheel..

All you need is a pair of comfortable pants and a t-shirt in which you feel good about moving.
It is worth trying not 1 time, but 1 month, because what is difficult in the first training will be easy in the third or fourth time. After the warm-up, we always deal with the beginners separately!