ISSO É COISA DA GENTE 3. Batizado e Troca de cordas 2023.11.17-19.
Every year we have a big event which we called "batizdo e troca de cordas". Basically this is an event where capoeiristas recive the first or the next cord. We make the event with a lot of special classes by invited masters, and experienced teachers from abroad. The event is open for other capoeira scools, so it is a good oportunity to change experince, get new friends and a lot of fun!
Once again, I cordially invite all our dear capoeirists to our festival this year! For kids, adults, beginners and advanced alike, there will be excellent workshops with great teachers and plenty of Roda. More info coming soon!
Location: Hunfalvy János Két Tanítási Nyelvű Közgazdasági Szakgimnázium Szalag street 15. 1011 Budapest
Date: 2023.11.17-19.